Sunday 24 July 2011

The Evolution of Fun

its something that makes time fly by. As the saying goes 'all good things come to an end' i believe this is the essence of fun. When we are having fun time seems to be irrelevant and its over before we know it.
Over time our idea of fun, the fun thats relevant to us changes just as much as our taste buds.

Some people enjoy a certain type of fun whether it be playing musical instruments, or playing videogames and never grow tired of it.

Fun can be used to help us grasp concepts for example when we are young, growing and learning through kindergarden and primary school we are taught the alphabet through song, through music and rhythm we can learn our alphabet whilst having fun at the same time. We can remember the alphabet by reminiscing on the fun we had learning to recite our ABCs.

Fun is always associated with enjoyment. When we enjoy something and have enough time to fully enjoy it we are having fun.
Being able to recognise a certain target market's idea of fun, and then tailoring a product to meet it
can only bring success, but as i said before people's idea of fun is always changing so products/games need to evolve to continue to be enjoyed.

Hello World

First post :)